Aug 27th 2008greenbucksEnvironment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Tags: nature photos, Wordless Wednesday
Cool pic with the background looking black and white and the crabs slightly red. Great post. And of course it is ok to post it today.. wordless is on 7 days a week.. so much fun! :o) Have a great day!
wow, nice shot! how small is that crab in reality?
are they wrestling?
check out my thursday edition here:
Are there 2 crabs? Fighting or? Nice shot.
Thanks, Urban Buddha
It is rather small, Those tiny creatures that scamper and hide in their holes on the seashore? Its them. You can compare to the sand grain
Thanks for the visit. Your Daranak falls photos are lovely.
I am not sure what they are doing. The other smaller crab seems dead to me or maybe a wee young crab
Saint2, they maybe fighting or your guess might be as good as mine
Thanks for the visit.
[…] have featured this Sand Crab here for Wordless Wednesday and here for Photo […]
Cool pic with the background looking black and white and the crabs slightly red. Great post. And of course it is ok to post it today.. wordless is on 7 days a week.. so much fun! :o) Have a great day!
wow, nice shot! how small is that crab in reality?
are they wrestling?
check out my thursday edition here:
Are there 2 crabs? Fighting or? Nice shot.
Thanks, Urban Buddha
It is rather small, Those tiny creatures that scamper and hide in their holes on the seashore? Its them. You can compare to the sand grain
Thanks for the visit. Your Daranak falls photos are lovely.
I am not sure what they are doing. The other smaller crab seems dead to me or maybe a wee young crab
Saint2, they maybe fighting or your guess might be as good as mine
Thanks for the visit.
[…] have featured this Sand Crab here for Wordless Wednesday and here for Photo […]