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Archive for the 'eyes' tag

I Am Not a Snob

I am not a snob. If people see me and wave at me but I don’t wave back, I am not snubbing them. If you feel that I stare at you, don’t worry, I am not measuring you up or down.

Truth is, I have bad eyesight. I can’t even read subtitles in the movies nor see what is written on the food menu of fast food places around me. I am almost blind in a room lighted with white light.

Yes, either I get a new pair of eyeglasses, a +2.50 prescription a year ago. I am seriously considering a lasik surgery Mexico package except that I don’t have the budget for the Mexico part 😀

Maybe I see no need to wear glasses yet again except of course when I need to read movie subtitles. Other wise, I am just fine, thank you very much 😀

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Eye Care

The other day, I took a photo of my eye and I was surprised to see the difference than when I took a photo of the same eye last year.

I guess not wearing my prescription glasses (I am near-sighted) has affected the area so there are some wrinkles I now see that weren’t there last year.

I wrote and asked about facial regimen and I know I also need to focus on my eyes.

I think I need to look for a good anti wrinkle eye cream soon for I know I am going to need one 😀

Any recommendations?

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