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Archive for the 'forum topics' tag

Forum Topics

Forums are everywhere in the net tackling topics like movies, tech reviews, weight losss supplements, parenting, love problems and a whole gamut of topic about anything and everything under the sun.

A while ago, a friend and I were talking about people who post in forums. We discussed a forum topic from a site we both don’t know anything about.

Apparently, one of the topics being talked about was a friend and whatever it took the haters to post something about this friend and for others to hate him without the benefit of the doubt is probably waaaay beyond me.

i have never really participated in forums and I know I may never know if I am good at it especially if it would mean bashing people behind their back without them knowing it and without them being able to defend themselves.

Sure, I can’t say I come clean and have not bashed someone else, whether intentionally or otherwise. But for people to talk about another people and everyone else and read about it and probably add more fuel to the fire? That is definitely foul and rude to say the least.

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