Weird Me
Jan 10th 2008GreenBucksBlogging101 & Memetag
Shern’s Mom tagged me to do 7 Weird Things About Me.
The rules are:
– Write 7 weird things about you
– Link back to the one who tagged you
– Tagged 7 others and inform them that they are tagged.
Weird Me (some things about me when I was a student) :
- I used to memorize the lessons/important concepts which are very useful when the teachers give tasks asking us to “Define the term…”
I used to have scraps of paper where I re-write down my notes prior to tests. I carry these wherever I go. - Continue reading the six other weird things here.
I enjoyed looking back at how I was and what I did way, way before. Now i am tagging the following bloggers:
Era, Gelliane, Larawannabe, Sharon, Liza, Napaboaniya and Wirelessbliss.
If you have done this tag, my apologies
5 Responses to “Weird Me”
Thanks for the tag, I’m done with mine..
Ok, thanks for telling me. Till the next tag
Hi Julie! Thanks for thinking of me on this tag, however, I’ve done this at, so I’ll just repost it.
I have tagged you too and it’s up at moms…..check nyo (
I’ll link you huh.
Thank you, Liza. Thanks for the link too, still working on this blog’s features
hi julie, i think i’ve done this tag.. so i’ll pass up… but i had fun reading yours.
Thank you Era. Till the next tag
hi. i’ve completed mine… at last!
sorry for replying so late, but i was unwell.
No problem, Larawannabe. I sometimes complete memes weeks after I have been tagged. Hope you are well now. Thank you for reposting your article
Hi! How are you? I hope all is well with you and your family. Btw, I have a tag for you
Take care and have a nice day.
Thank you for the visit Liza. Will be on my way to your tag in a while.