Wonderful shot of votive candles. Are they in a church? Have a good weekend!
As I have said to Napaboaniya, I didn’t know these were called votive candles :D. Yes, these are in the church we went to for the 630pm mass. Thanks Mary and take care!
I always like lighting REAL candles at Church. Here in LA, some Churches only have those light bulbs ones. oh well, I guess does not matter to God anyways. =)
Have a wonderful and blessed week ahead. TC
Light bulbs? No wonder, its LA, home of Hollywood. But that doesn’t seem real, I hope the prayers are said sincerely Thanks!
I learnt a new word today – votive candles. I’m not a Catholic, so I don’t light candles.
I did learn that word too ECL, just for this post I made.I am not RC but I know more about the theological aspect and traditions of this religion than an ordinary church-going-but-not-too-involved RC since I was schooled in an RC school ran by nuns and priests. I guess, I never knew what to call these because I don’t light these candles too. Thanks for visiting
great weekend! I used to go to Baclaran Church every weekend and just light a candle, it made me feel so free afterwards. =)
Baclaran, I think I haven’t been there, Emz since I am not really a RC. Do you still light candles now or just your fireplace? Went to your WS post but I think I have forgotten to leave a comment.
Candles and prayers … beautiful message behind the photo.
Thanks, Rachel, though I don’t know if I have lit a candle for a prayer since I am not RC, just educated the RC way and married to an RC hubby. Thanks for visiting.
Such candles remind us we are united in our faith. That’s a wonderful photo. God bless.
I agree, Sandy. I am not RC but my hubby and family members are. Thanks
God bless you too.
A great week ahead to you!
Thanks, Lynn. Hope to see you soon
votive candles… they’re a mixture of solemn, peaceful and hopeful feelings to me.
Ok,you got me there, votive candles, didn’t know these were called as such, lol! Yes, peaceful and hopeful and solemn, I definitely agree. Thanks
[…] Posted by julie @ 10:19 pm Shelved under Snapshots, Weekend Snapshots Light Prayer Candles here. Thank […]
That’s a beautiful shot. Hope you have a great week.
Thank you Carver
Have a great week too and God bless.
Wonderful shot of votive candles. Are they in a church? Have a good weekend!
As I have said to Napaboaniya, I didn’t know these were called votive candles :D. Yes, these are in the church we went to for the 630pm mass. Thanks Mary and take care!
I always like lighting REAL candles at Church. Here in LA, some Churches only have those light bulbs ones. oh well, I guess does not matter to God anyways. =)
Have a wonderful and blessed week ahead. TC
Light bulbs? No wonder, its LA, home of Hollywood. But that doesn’t seem real, I hope the prayers are said sincerely
I learnt a new word today – votive candles.
I’m not a Catholic, so I don’t light candles.
I did learn that word too ECL, just for this post I made.I am not RC but I know more about the theological aspect and traditions of this religion than an ordinary church-going-but-not-too-involved RC since I was schooled in an RC school ran by nuns and priests. I guess, I never knew what to call these because I don’t light these candles too. Thanks for visiting
great weekend! I used to go to Baclaran Church every weekend and just light a candle, it made me feel so free afterwards. =)
Baclaran, I think I haven’t been there, Emz since I am not really a RC. Do you still light candles now or just your fireplace?
Went to your WS post but I think I have forgotten to leave a comment.
So calming.
Yes, it is, Thanks Lilli.
If I’m not mistaken that’s in Baclaran right? Happy WS.
Nope, Liza, haven’t been to Baclaran church. This was at the San Nicolas de Tolentino Parish near Congressional Avenue. Thanks for the visit.
OO nga, Lilli is right, calming is the right word. Have a blessed week ahead.
Candles have that calming effect I agree, but no scented ones for me since these would make me sneeze and sneeze
nice picture …happy WS
Thanks, Jeanne
Great shot! Happy Monday..
Thanks, Yen
looks peaceful here!
Thanks, Agring
I love those lights from the candle. isn;t romantic?
I agree that candles are romantic, Kiky. these candles in the photo can be found in a church for prayer petitions
Thanks for visiting.
Candles and prayers … beautiful message behind the photo.
Thanks, Rachel, though I don’t know if I have lit a candle for a prayer since I am not RC, just educated the RC way and married to an RC hubby.
Thanks for visiting.