Wordless Wednesday : Birdhouse? Not.
Mar 26th 2008GreenBucksBlogging101 & Memetag & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
20 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday : Birdhouse? Not.”
Mar 26th 2008GreenBucksBlogging101 & Memetag & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
I know it is supposed to be wordless… but I am dead curious to know what is inside the little house!
Julie, a bird house in the home
Cool decorative piece… or is there a real bird living in there?
Happy WW Julie 
Ok it almost looks like their is some kind of reptile in there….
I am curious as well. What’s inside, teacher Julie?
That sure do looks like a birdhouse. What’s inside though? Happy WW
A squirrel house? Looks inviting, anyhow!
Not sure, but looks interesting! Happy WW
You are going to invite lizards to make it their home! hehe….
Kate, its an aquarium. There are silver guppy fish there but I can’t seem to see them swimming
Thanks for the visit.
Ling, that’s an aquarium
Quite unique huh? Oh, the lattice and bird designs near it were hand painted.
Thanks for the viisit.
Ellen, that is an aquarium, home of a few small silver guppies
Unique design that goes well with the hand painted lattice on the side. Thanks for the visit!
Sasha, there are a few silver guppies there but they can’t be seen too well in the photo, or maybe these all perished since some of our students think that that is for fishing
Love your halo-halo. Ginutom ako, hihihi.
Bahchi, its an aquarium. there are supposed to be silver guppies in there but they seem to be not in the photo
Thanks for the visit!
Sandy, that is an aquarium. The part with the blue (hand painted) lattice is the door going to the children’s rest room at work
Its an aquarium, Sue. There should be a few small silver guppies in there I don’t know where they are
Thanks for the visit.
ECL, not the lizards but the children who think that that is a place for fishing. Yup, its a small aquarium and the students try to reach inside to “catch” one or two
How interesting! Is that a fighting fish inside?
i cheated. i took a look at your reply to the first comment. hee hee hee! i thought it’s a bulky picture frame hahaha! what a cute little aquarium!
Rachel, I’m not sure, maybe it is, a blue one. I have taken that photo last year pa. I don’t really see the fish there since that is in a place where I don’t often visit
That’s near the children’s restroom in the center, hehe.
Weng, ganda no? I think it is a good idea for a decoration, especially in a children’s room. The painting on the side was hand painted