Oct 1st 2008greenbucksEnvironment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Tags: garden, nature photos, pink buds
Great shot for Wordless! Happy WW! Hope you can stop by at my corner for my WW entry too…
A beauty in the process of bloom
That is a beautiful bud, Julie. It remind me every day is new and to keep hope!
What a fabulous close up photo of a flower bud! Amazing.
My W W is posted…a bucking time! If you haven’t stopped by to visit yet, come on over!!!
What are they going to be when they grow up, I wonder?
Happy WW!
Tink *~*~* My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
Very nice! I love the combination of colors.
Thank you
Yes it is, Ling, thank you
What a wonderful thought, Sandy. Thank you
Thanks Anni
Tink, this is how the bud will look:
Thank you Liz
we have the same entry, flowers! great minds think alike daw. hi hi have a good weekend, julie!
Great shot for Wordless! Happy WW! Hope you can stop by at my corner for my WW entry too…
A beauty in the process of bloom
That is a beautiful bud, Julie. It remind me every day is new and to keep hope!
What a fabulous close up photo of a flower bud! Amazing.
My W W is posted…a bucking time! If you haven’t stopped by to visit yet, come on over!!!
What are they going to be when they grow up, I wonder?
Happy WW!
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
Very nice! I love the combination of colors.
Thank you
Yes it is, Ling, thank you
What a wonderful thought, Sandy. Thank you
Thanks Anni
Tink, this is how the bud will look:
Thank you
Thank you Liz
we have the same entry, flowers! great minds think alike daw. hi hi
have a good weekend, julie!