The colored papers make a great shot. So cheerful.
You asked about the duck on my WW post. It’s a muscovy duck. They are wild but this one lake is the only place I’ve seen them in my area. I heard some people call them turkey ducks so I thought I’d do a play on thanksgiving. The one I photographed actually was practically chasing me.
Looking at the colored papers brought me back to my arts class during elementary days… Nice colors – are you going to use that for paper-folding, too? Happy WW, Teacher Julie
colorful.. nga.. My entries are about giveaways.I am hosting a 2nd giveaway in which the winner will be getting 1 month membership in an exclusive playschool KidsAhoy. But I a really feeling like Santa so I am launching another giveaway here in sweet..pretty..naughty and I am giving away a Magnetic Dress Up Bear. Go here to join the giveaway!
ZJ, we used this for art activities after our story-telling session, my students and I. Posting this photo made me want to do personalized gift cards with the kids for Christmas
The colored papers make a great shot. So cheerful.
You asked about the duck on my WW post. It’s a muscovy duck. They are wild but this one lake is the only place I’ve seen them in my area. I heard some people call them turkey ducks so I thought I’d do a play on thanksgiving. The one I photographed actually was practically chasing me.
Nice color combination! Ready for some art work I guess.
Is looks like you are getting ready for christmas….Great shot…Happy WW:)
Nice shots. Came here by way of Mister Linky.
Looking at the colored papers brought me back to my arts class during elementary days… Nice colors – are you going to use that for paper-folding, too? Happy WW, Teacher Julie
colorful.. nga.. My entries are about giveaways.I am hosting a 2nd giveaway in which the winner will be getting 1 month membership in an exclusive playschool KidsAhoy. But I a really feeling like Santa so I am launching another giveaway here in sweet..pretty..naughty and I am giving away a Magnetic Dress Up Bear. Go here to join the giveaway!
Yup, I used these with my students
Lori, I used these with my students
I am thinking about doing personalized gift cards with my children.
Thanks for the visit
ZJ, we used this for art activities after our story-telling session, my students and I. Posting this photo made me want to do personalized gift cards with the kids for Christmas
Thank you for the visit
So pretty! I love the different colors.