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Graduation Days

March and April are months when graduations happen where we are. My eldest daughter is graduating from elementary school as she is in her 7th grade. We opted to not go to high school even if she passed the entrance test she took last year which means she can skip grade seven.

At first she doesn’t want to go to grade 7 because that would mean additional expenses for  year. But we decided to just go ahead to enable her to prepare herself better for the challenges in high school and to further hone her leadership abilities.

To those graduating students, I salute you for all the hard work you have done (wishful thinking for some, lol).

I know the malls and specialty stores would be packed days after the graduation because parents will be giving their children gifts like tech gadgets, Torgoen watches, toys for the little ones and whatever the graduate may fancy that is well within the budget of the parents.

I remember seeing young kids with their medals still hanging on their necks choosing toys as gifts for their graduation day 😀 Ahhhh…those moments must have felt like Christmas in March for some!

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