Deciding to Quit Smoking
Oct 30th 2009greenbucksFor Information & Thoughts
My father quit after so many years of smoking. We wished he did it sooner but that is all water under the bridge now. When he did quit, he got sick,very sick. We are glad he recovered slowly is now healthy again. He even weighs heavier than before he stopped smoking and that is a good sign.
Here are some reasons for you (and someone you know) to consider about smoking:
- bad smell: breath, hair, clothes (yes, you reek like an ash tray)
- stained teeth
- respiratory illnesses, cough, sore throat
- wrinkles
- faster heartbeat and raised blood pressure
- lowered athletic ability
- toxic chemicals in the smoke
- risk of cancer
- risk of heart disease
- breathing problems
- stomach problems
- gum disease
- dangerous to pregnant women and their unborn baby
- when you get sick, you lose time doing and enjoying the things you love to do
So, would you still care for a smoke? I hope not.
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