Brand Conscious
Mar 15th 2010greenbucksMoney Watch
I am sure a lot of brand-conscious and brand-name dropping people will say “woot” at the mention of Vera Wang dresses.
No offense meant if you are one, if you can afford these dresses, why not? Woot for you
What irks me most is when when people name-drop brand-names of things that they use like their cheese or maybe what? soy sauce? (like it is gonna make their food more flavorful than those cooked using cheaper and local brands) even if NO ONE is asking. Duh?!
I’m sure you’ve met one or two with this trait. Why some will even go to great lengths to say HOW MUCH they bought such and such.
I found this fun quiz which you can take to see if you are brand conscious or not.
Are you game to take the quiz?
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