Hard Disk Drive Recovery Center
Jun 11th 2012greenbucksDigital World & Web Tools
What to do when a hard drive crashes and everything you hold dear, digitally I mean, are there?
That happened to a family friend whose hard drive got invaded by ants (don’t ask me, I don’t know the how and the why) and all her files are there. As in everything, from 3D pregnancy photos, to parties she decorated to family photos. Argh, isn’t it?
When External Hard Drives go bonkers, one should not do anything about the HD especially if this one or two persons are not certified at all to open, inspect and play know-it-all. Seriously, bring that hard drive to a hard disk drive recovery center and let experts work on it.
Think of it as a hospital for your hard drive and wish fervently that everything or a big part of your data will be retrieved.
Next time though, store your files in the cloud
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