Pros and Cons on Online Discount Vouchers
Dec 20th 2010greenbucksFor Information & Making Money Online & Web Tools
I’ve been subscribed to two or maybe three online discount deals. So far, I bought several online discount vouchers and I haven’t used them yet, I just hope these aren’t expired yet!
Mulling on the pros and cons of buying online discount vouchers, I came up with these:
Pros on buying online discount vouchers:
- you save a lot
- you can now afford to go to places (restaurants, salon, spa, resorts, hotels) you otherwise can’t afford if not for these discount vouchers
- you get to experience new things
Cons on buying online discount vouchers:
- yes, you save a lot but you buy vouchers because these are inexpensive and not because you need these
- you think you are saving substantial amount by getting these but have you really paused and asked your self: “Do I really need these?
- you pay for vouchers you don’t really need at the moment
So before you click that “buy now’ button, the bottom line for this new shopping trend is to ask yourself: “Do I really need to buy these online discount vouchers?”
I don’t know how it is with others but I don’t grab these online discount vouchers like there’s no tomorrow or if I do, I’d probably be saying goodbye to my online earning