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Archive for the 'family reunions' tag

Karaoke Singing

I have written about how to go about reunions and keeping the conversation going with relatives to avoid being in an awkward position or have a conversation lull.

This goes the same with elementary and high school reunions, if I may say so. Yes, you and your classmates can’t possibly talk about how fat you were when you were in third grade or how someone else looked awkward wearing his/her Christmas program costume, much as you can’t possibly talk endlessly about your children or insurance quotes or your golf handicap unless they seem genuinely interested.

What do you do then? Sing. Yes, sing and have fun bashing the karaoke 😀

(Just make sure you don’t disturb the neighbors too much though)

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Family Reunions

Its that time of the year when famly reunions are scheduled.

There are times though when family members seem to have “drifted apart” not only because of distance but also because interests have been different from each other.

Apart from having meals together during reunions, what else is there to do?

Updating each other would be a bit difficult because there is so much to know and so much to share.

What about if the others are not interested in what others are saying?

Topics like fishing, blogging, work-related issues, conversion rate optimization, children’s developmental milestones and even knowing the latest in fashion are some of the topics where others will probably not be able to relate to.

Tops would be topics about childhood (mis)adventures, family jokes and singing. Of course, singing is one alternative thing to do, instead of just talking.

What do you do during family reunions?

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