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Archive for the 'household chores' tag

So Many Things to Do

We just had dinner. Breaded and deep fried chicken fillet and spaghetti with tomato-based sauce. Now I feel sleepy because I am full.

Ironic because just this afternoon I was talking about how to lose weight quickly.

My youngest daughter once asked me why I tend to eat more than she eats. I told her I need the energy to keep up with all the things I need to do: go to work, do house chores, help them with their homework and projects and finish other online tasks.

If I don’t eat, I don’t know if I have the energy to even think about how I will accomplish the things I need to do.

Later as I get the children ready to go to bed, I really hope I can have enough sleep because I still have to wake up at 4am to prepare packed lunch for school tomorrow. Sigh.

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A Day in the Life of…

My husband and I love watching movies but  juggling a busy part-time work schedule and being a full-time mom while my husband works two part-time work (which roughly translates to two full-time work schedules at times), we rarely have time to watch movies these days.

With three kids in tow, movies are a luxury for us. I am pleased that the children would settle with watching DVD movies at home where they can see the film again and again and again. Yeah, repeat again several more times and you get the picture.

When I don’t have to go to my part-time work and I just stay at home, I watch movies online (sometimes I even try to do ab workouts insert rolls eyes here) or blog or read a book or watch TV series being shown half the world away. Yep, I am up to date with some of the TV series I like.

Household chores? Say that again?

When the kids are back from school, then I get very busy from 6pm till my eyes drop from exhaustion.

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