Page Rank Prediction
Nov 23rd 2007GreenBucksBlogging101 & Web Tools
There are several useful tools to help a blogger understand his/her blog even better. One of this is the Page Rank Prediction:
To know your Page Rank Prediction, click here.
Nov 23rd 2007GreenBucksBlogging101 & Web Tools
There are several useful tools to help a blogger understand his/her blog even better. One of this is the Page Rank Prediction:
To know your Page Rank Prediction, click here.
Nov 19th 2007GreenBucksBlogging101
Good Key Words
It has been said that good key words are the key to being found. Or searched.
What are good key words?
Key words are words that are used by people searching for information in the net. These words are then retrieved, in this case in the net, from search engines. Key words are generated by indexing or other keyword extraction methods.
One sure thing that will make your site, whether its a business website or a personal blog, easier to find in search engines is to choose the appropriate key words that relate to your products, services, niche, specialization, and whatever more it is called.
The more general terms you use, the harder it is to “find you” since there are other sites “competing” for a high search rank other than you. The more specific words you use, the more you, your website, your blog, will be found by people.
One of the effective places where you can be easily found is by properly using your site’s html title.
How? Read here.
Nov 15th 2007GreenBucksBlogging101
Okay, caffeine addicts, now is the time to get those fingers clicking on the keyboard to win $25 worth of Starbucks coffee on you Starbucks card. I do not jest.
Click the link below to see for yourself:
$25 for your Starbucks
Now, if you won and you get the reload on your Starbucks card, would you be giving me a treat? I do not buy coffee there, since I am a cheapskate and this would be a real treat for me
Nov 8th 2007GreenBucksBlogging101
Blogging is not new anymore. To those who are internet cafe habitués or wired at home or in the office, blogging is not probably new to them.
Blogging is not just writing about topics you love.
It is not just writing about events, whether significant or trivial about your life.
Blogging is a form of expression
Continue reading about niche blogging here.
Nov 4th 2007GreenBucksFile and data management
I am a bit of a disorganized person. Even with a PDA or a mobile phone where I can put down important notes, I tend to write these on papers that seem to get themselves lost.
Why is it important to document everything work-related? Who would want to look for that scrap of paper where a password was written down? Who would want to feel pressure rising up because an all-important step concerning the sequence of something done which is the key to everything work-related was not documented?
There are many ways to document the important developmental steps taken during an experimentation, and/or exploration and/or completion of projects.
Some of the ways documentation can be done are here.