All the President’s Men for Jun Lozada
Feb 12th 2008GreenBucksBlogging101 & Current Events & World Watch
The so-called “crying boy” or “probinsiyanong Intsik” or better known as Jun Lozada, the Senate’s current star witness for the foiled ZTE-NBN deal is a contradiction of sorts. He is a mystery to me, not that I want to unravel everything and understand everything about him. He is a good storyteller, a story weaver.
There were some things that Jun Lozada said that touched my heart, especially about the Aetas who didn’t want to sell the guavas because these were for the birds.
He also said this memorable paragraph when replying to some “small-time” graft practices by a senator who herself is far, very far from perfect and whose statements and stand on issues can be taken out of context depending upon the price agreed upon:
I would admit to that. I would admit in public and to the nation that there are certain things that I did in my life that upon reflection I would lose some respect to myself but all the remaining respect I have in myself, madam, I don’t want to lose. I’d like whatever respect I have in myself to keep it. If I go along with this NBN, I guess I’m going to lose it all. I’m afraid I’m going to lose my soul. Yes, I have to admit to that. Mea culpa
I don’t want to really dwell on the figures he has been talking about as part of the package of since I wouldn’t be able to imagine the enormity of it. I can’t even begin to imagine how much money that would be. They could have two or three lifetimes but they wouldn’t be able to spend all those money. The thing is, they couldn’t even buy Heaven where they can go to to avoid being burned in hell.
Please click here to read the Transcript of Statement made last February 7, 2008 at 2am that made All the President’s Men, Cabinet Secretaries, Key Political figures and Family Members scrambling to put back the broken pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that ought to not have been broken. They are after all, key figures too in a deal gone bad.
Read the rest of the post here.
6 Responses to “All the President’s Men for Jun Lozada”
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Hi, I too wrote a post about this. I cannot believe how greedy some people can be. Have they no conscience? I am leaning towards believing Mr. Lozada because of consistency of statements. The police and others sounded stupid during the hearing.
I agree with you Mayi, and as the days go by, the plot thickens, so to speak.
[…] promises but failing to work on these which make people frustrated and not believe them because everything looks like a circus these days, and that is a tragedy in […]
[…] country is now facing a lot of struggles about graft and corruption, and people are gathering on the streets again. Click here for our other Photo Hunt entry. Thank […]
Again, the controversy only shows the apparent lack of transparency and accountability in the loan procurement and BOT negotiations. What we need badly is how to fix the system. Kicking GMA and his men out is fine but how can we be sure those who will come after will do better? Reform the bureaucratic corruption through civil society monitoring and evaluation of government processes and programs.
Martin, thank you for the piece of wisdom. I agree with you abut fixing the system and questioning about the people who would probably want to take GMA’s place. And yes, reform, monitoring as well as evaluation of government processes and programs should also be done. And as the old wisdom goes, reform, change, should come from within us which would then be reflected on how we make our decisions in life. We start with ourselves and when we do we can probably hope and work for something better. Thank you for the visit and the comment.
I recently came across the website below regarding Mr. Jun Lozada and I thought I should share it with you:
The soundtrack it provides might help us discern the truth better about the man.