Bloggers as Citizen Journalists
Jul 28th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Digital World & Thoughts & Web Tools
I am a blogger. Blogging is my way of expressing in writing different topics that I find interesting.
I write about topics that interest me.
I write about my thoughts and my opinions.
I write about the things happening to me and my immediate environment.
I write about events I have been to. Be these blog-related events or not.
I write about products I use. I write about products and services that make me earn something when these are approved, whether I believe in these or not.
I also write, when I have the chance, about current events, whether or not I was in the actual event or not.
So, am I a citizen journalist then?
Maybe I am. Or I would like to think that I am. A citizen journalist.
Citizen journalists are supposed to be responsible. Am I responsible? I supposed I am. I think I am.
This responsibility does not just confine itself to myself for if I am not responsible enough then I am creating the road to self-destruction. And of course, I would not want that.
This responsibility goes beyond the need to write about my thoughts and opinions and the products and services that give me monetary compensation, however meager these are.
I have written/commented to other bloggers that the way they write, whether these reflect their true feelings or not, is their own choice. It is their blog anyway and if ever I find what they have written as offensive, I may choose to read these or not. Its their “home” and they may do whatever they want, write in any way they want to and it will be up to the readers if they would still want to visit those blogs. They may choose to write cuss words and send to eternal damnation people they don’t care about. Its up to them.
But writing about controversial topics that cause stir, panic, confusion and doubts about its reliability is another story. This should be given some reins but who would do it? Its the writer himself.
Click here why bloggers have to be should be must be responsible.
2 Responses to “Bloggers as Citizen Journalists”
very well said.
you can put this in the disclosure T.Julie.
Disclosure, yes, it can be put there.
Lots of bloggers, since they don’t work with editors who may edit their works (as if I have one), they just blog without regard to the people who will probably get hurt in the process of their blogging. Having a blog is not like getting the license to spread malicious rumors and false accusations. We should be responsible and conscious about what we write.