On the Wooden Swing
Sep 30th 2008greenbucksAround the Metro & For Information & Philippines & Photos
One of the things that children do not experience these days is going to the park to play, well, at least, where we live. One either has to live in a gated community with complete amenities like a clubhouse and a playground or one has to go to malls and pay to play in these playgrounds. Most of the children around us do not have readily have access to a park or a playground. They usually play on the streets when school is out.
As a child, I remember going to the park at the plaza, the one in front of the church. My favorite spot was where the swings were located. I loved sitting on the swing, holding on tightly to the chains and kicking the ground to hoist myself up and down, feeling the wind on my face and on my hair.
Didn’t Robert Louis Stevenson write in a poem The Swing:
How do you like to go up in a swing?
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!
I would like to have my own garden one day with wooden swing sets. Even if I would not be able to swing as swiftly and as strong as I used to, I would still sit on my swing and spend quiet moments with my love ones. I have seen several gardens where there are wooden swing sets which are just there as decorations and this saddens me so. Swings should be sat on, used and not used as decorations.
Would you like to sit on a wooden swing?
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