My Favorite Television Series
Oct 21st 2008greenbucksDigital World & For Information & Visualizations
Last week I did not blog a lot, except when I really, really have to. I even missed doing Litratong Pinoy in my other GreenBucks blog. My two young home schooling children and I were busy studying for the second quarter tests. The grades which were due last Friday has been submitted on time.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time away from the computer. I was able to read three books by John Grisham, started a series (The Hades factor) by my favorite author Robert Ludlum while my son were busy studying.
I was able to watch my DVD collection of tv series.
I would have loved to watch these on HDTV but I know we still have to wait awhile to be able to afford this kind of viewing pleasure. I had fun getting re-acquianted with Shawn and Gus (finished all episodes till season 3), Don and Charlie (finished all episodes till Season 3) and of course, Chuck. I even mentioned an episode of Psych in one of my posts in this blog that talked about Phishing.
This week, Dexter will be my guy.
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