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Time’s Top Ten of Everything 2008

With Christmas just a few days away, we only have a few days left to savor the year 2008.

What have you done or not done so far?

How have you been?

Were the visions and dreams when the year started became realities?

Did the positive weighed more than the negatives?

During this time, I love reading about what has transpired during the year. A review of the events that has somehow changed the world and has affected the people never seem to fail to amaze me.

I find these reviews not only as a way to remember these events but also as a way for me to reflect about how I felt during these times. I believe these events somehow made an impact, no matter how small, to how we live our lives.


We learned about economic woes and have decided to tighten our belts. We watched in awe as Barack Obama won the presidency and learned about dreaming big dreams. We learned about the melamine scare in China and we became more vigilant to the food that we give he children, particularly their milk.

So many things to learn lessons from and so many things we try to forget. What is important though are the lessons learned so next year would be better.

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