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Opening of Classes for SY 2009-2010

Opening of classes are slated June 8, 2009 but many univerisities preferred to move the event to next week, June 15 or June 16. One of the universities has three cases of students who has AH1N1 virus.

In my eldest daughter’s school, they sent an email that classes will resume on Monday. Email also noted that students who went overseas should take extra care. Filipinos with relatives abroad take vacations and go to placesĀ  like New York, LA, Frisco and Vegas vacations during summer school break.

Anyway, the email regarding my daughter’s school opening was more about taking precaution against dengue which has taken more lives and which is more deadly than the other condition.

For now, I am convincing my daughter to bring a bottle of our citronella insect repellent and a bottle of alcohol with her in her bag.

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