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Shopping for Digital Cameras

It is now officially summer in the country and I am sure a LOT of people are now canvassing stores, browsing websites and asking those “in  the know” about the best digital cameras available in the market today, within their budget of course.

I know a lot of people would drool over DSLR, thinking these cameras would make them great photographers. Hmmm… ok, I joined a group in Facebook that says: “Hindi Porke’t May DSLR ka ay Photographer Ka Na” which roughly translates to “Not because you have a DLSR means you are a photographer”

LOL, bitter.

Photography is one of the “in” things these days, aside from running a marathon, blogging and playing Plants Versus Zombies 😀

Still as they say, it is NOT the camera that makes you a photographer, its the way you take photos that makes you one.

Me? I’m not a photographer and I won’t even pretend that I am. I am a hobbyist 🙂


6 Responses to “Shopping for Digital Cameras”

  1. Rach (Heart of Rachel) on 07 Mar 2010 at 10:27 am 1

    I love taking photos so I always carry my digicam anywhere.

    Ha! Ha! I saw that “Hindi Porke’t May DSLR ka ay Photographer Ka Na” on FB. Natawa ako dun. Madami na ang merong DSLR … pero ako wala pa din. 🙁

  2. greenbucks on 07 Mar 2010 at 11:50 am 2

    ok lang yun, rach, porma lang naman yung sa iba, “feeling” e di naman kagandahan ang pics nila, 😀

  3. Lurchie on 07 Mar 2010 at 3:59 pm 3

    I would be one of those who would drool over DSLRs. I am frustrated at photography because I don’t have a DSLR. 🙁 But you know what, T Jules? I am also scared of purchasing a DSLR because what if I don’t improve at all? Like, what if my already lame photography will end up even uglier?

    That is why maybe I should just stick to my camera and just enjoy shooting anything that comes my way. 😉

    Oh and I do blog.. and I played PvZ last year pa. 😛 Running, I do, but marathon..? I think I’d collapse!!! 😛

  4. cookie on 08 Mar 2010 at 8:27 am 4

    Ahem….agree ako dyan. Pero inaamin ko na I’m trying….not trying hard ha 😀

  5. greenbucks on 09 Mar 2010 at 11:45 am 5

    in fernez sis, kahit hindi dslr gamit mo, maganda mga pics mo 🙂

  6. greenbucks on 09 Mar 2010 at 11:47 am 6

    Lurch, some kasi status symbol ang me ganung cam, “feeling” nga 😀 I should have included one more thing there eh, but didn’t na, kasi mainit mga mata ng mga bloggers sa ganyang term. I will PM you if you will insist 😀