Rage by Jonathan Kellerman
Mar 21st 2010greenbucksBooks & Me & Thoughts
I just finished reading RAGE by Jonathan Kellerman. This is just one of his many books that I have read.
Brilliantly written book, as always and Alex Delaware and Milo Sturgis did not fail to deliver. They are a great team that child molesters, murderers, sociopaths and criminals would not want to meet, even between pages of a book.
This book Rage had several twists and turns that I had to re-read several pages I have read through sleepy stupor. The plot thickens, so to speak, as more secret lives are revealed one after another while Alex deals with his personal relationship with Allison, another psychologist. I am guessing they will end up breaking up or maybe they did already and I still have to get a book about it.
Learning disabilities as well as behavior problems were among the characteristics of the young people in this book apart from abandonment, lack of inadequate parenting and bad environment are just some of the contributing factors.
They probably do not even think about hormonal acne here, like “regular” or typically developing teenagers because of their life situation.
There is this one thing though, I don’t think I understood the ending, it seems to have a “hanging” ending. I may have to re-read that part again later.
I stopped reading Jonathan Kellerman‘s book for a while because weird though it may seem, I feel behavioral changes in ME whenever I read his books. I tend to get less patient. Could it be that his well-written plots with psychological babble and sinister acts affect me so much that the gory details get to me?
I hope not. I feel I have to get those few books he wrote that I still have to read and I hope never to read about the Filipina maid or Filipina nurse again.
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[…] got some new books during the summer sale at a nearby bookstore the other day. I got a Jonathan Kellerman (Php99.00 or a little more than $2) book while the kids got an Enid Blyton book (PhP50.00 or a […]