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What NOT to do in Facebook

For all the Facebook lovers who are making this social networking site their prime communication tool with family and friends, take heed:  there are seven things NOT to do in Facebook.

  1. Do not use a weak password (like your dog’s name, or your birth date, or even your middle name)
  2. Do not leave you full birth date on your profile (same goes with your school, home address, office address, mobile phone, home phone).
  3. Do not read about and learn and USE the privacy settings and risk yourself getting exposed (duh)
  4. Do not allow your children’s name to be tagged even by friends, if they do not have an account. If you have a child(ren), remove their tagged names, especially if they do not have an account there.
  5. Do not make your weekend getaway a secret (or for this matter do not put out a “for everyone” status update about a party in your home)
  6. Do NOT let search engines find you (unless you want to be found, duh?) and yes, there is such a setting that will allow you to not get found (go figure it out in the privacy setting)
  7. Do not allow children to login unsupervised. Instead, supervise young children who have Facebook accounts and love to play third party apps/games (better yet, they will only get logged in if you are there to provide the password) when they are logged in.

Read the complete article here.

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