My Investment
Jan 11th 2011greenbucksFamily Matters & Me & Money Watch
Real estate properties, jewelry and financial stocks are some of the ways people invest their money. Some buy gold while some acquire businesses getting more than what they have invested once these businesses turn in profit.
As for me, my investment would be the education of my children. Yeah, corny huh but then again, even with a two-income family, we still have difficulties making ends meet and more often, we try as much as we can to have simple fun or home cooked meals which can happen even without getting the wallet to pay for a bill or purchase.
I love my family and I’ve devoted a lot of time, energy and love in nurturing my children. I didn’t even go back to full time work even if the formerly home-schooled children are now in a regular school. I still teach a handful of students but being there for them when they get home is a joy I’d like to cherish for a long time. Yeah, even if I have to wake up at 4am everyday to prepare their packed food.
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One Response to “My Investment”
[…] as a mom, we moms only want the best for our children. If giving them better opportunities like better education, even if this means involving spare change to pitch in the expenses, we will do so because we […]