Bench Uncut
Jul 5th 2010greenbucksAround the Metro & Visualizations
The much anticipated Bench Uncut Denim and Underwear Show caused quite a lot of excitement among those who keep up-to-date with the fashion world, be they people with real fashion sense or just wanna-be fashionistas who try hard to be like those in the first group. There are also those boy-girls who scream their hearts out when they see guys wearing clothes and walking ala-Incredible Hulk. Heh.
Anyway, try Googling Bench+Uncut and you get hundreds of thousands of posts. Some photos here.
I could not imagine how many hours these guys spend at the gym, sweating it up, pumping iron, eating protein-rich food to have those washboard and six pack abs. What? vigrx? Can’t say for sure though since they look well, errr… look full dressed only in their undergarments.
Bench Uncut. There are those who say it means, well, uncut, whatever it is