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Archive for the 'hamster' tag

Strange Noises

I heard strange noises, like something going round and round.

I peeped through the windows to see where the sound was coming from but I don’t see anything. Unsatisfied, I went out the front door squinting in the dark since the front door light was busted.

Hmmm… nothing still.

I turned on the living room light and saw the source of the sound. The hamster my son brought home from school. He was in school for the dramatics club rehearsal and he brought home this hamster because it was left in school by a classmate. He thought it would go hungry if the little pet is left in school without food till Monday.

Awww… I know, right?

Kindness in children more often than not is something we really directly teach them. Kindness even when discussed and role played in the best schools, whether a religious school or an online university, is still a value children learned first at home.

For now, the nocturnal hamster is resting. We didn’t find any hamster food at the supermarket earlier but we gave him an apple slice to nomnom while he stays with us till Monday.

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