Wordless Wednesday : Sweet
Jan 31st 2008GreenBucksBlogging101 & Memetag & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Jan 31st 2008GreenBucksBlogging101 & Memetag & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Jan 30th 2008GreenBucksBlogging101 & Making Money Online & Money Watch
Now you can add your Philippine bank account to your PayPal account, so you can withdraw your money directly to your bank. It saves you time and gives you faster access to your PayPal funds!
Plus, there is no charge to withdrawal amounts over PHP 7000*. So go ahead and add your bank account today! |
That is the message I got from PayPal yesterday though I have read this in my PayPal account last Sunday. I am sure everybody from the Philippines got this message too. Hooray!
There is PhP250.00 return charge if incorrect information is given. Still, this is good news. So call you local banks now and get it’s code and make that transfer from your PayPal account directly to your local bank. There is a list of bank codes from the major banks in the Philippines from ebay.ph. If in doubt, call your local bank and ask them to be sure.
Below is a list of the Philippine banks code from ebay.ph:
Jan 28th 2008GreenBucksBlogging101 & Memetag & Photos & Weekend Snapshots
Angels Walk For Autism January 27, 2008 Quezon City Memorial Circle, Philippines
Jan 25th 2008GreenBucksBlogging101 & Memetag
Maiylah tagged me to do a Linky Love tag:
These are what I have to do:
This link loving in 2008 came from Maiylah:
I have randomly selected 5 of you below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes we hope it will be a long list!)
It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially!
The benefits of Viral Linking:
Add your blog url here…
The Strategist Notebook | Link Addiction | Ardour of the Heart | When Life Becomes a Book | The Malaysian Life | Yogatta.com | What goes under the sun | Roshidan’s Cyber Station | Sasha says | Arts of Physics | And the legend lives | My View, My Life | A Simple Life | What Women REALLY Think | Not Much More Than This | Jayedee | Jenn | Beth | Christie | Marla | Cailin | Simone | FlipFlopMom | Katrina | Gill’s Jottings| Work of the Poet| Wakela|Modern Day Goddess|Livin With Me| Writing in Faith| Maiylah’s Snippets| GreenBucks | GreenBucks (2) | you are next…
Now, add/tag 5 of your friends blogs…
Photo Corners | Napaboaniya | PTParungao | Lusciousnis | Blogsilog
Please continue this and gain new blog friends
Jan 23rd 2008GreenBucksMemetag & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Jan 20th 2008GreenBucksMemetag & Photos & Weekend Snapshots
This what was I used when I attended an informal lecture by a speech-language pathologist last Saturday night. I was paperless but I was able to write down important information worth remembering.