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Blogging Hazards

Blogging is the new media. A blogger can disclose as much personal affairs as one feels comfortable doing so. Or a blogger can choose to be discreet.

A blogger can fabricate lies and weave stories he believes in his mind are true. Or just state facts and real events and people.

I have heard about political candidates who benefit most with bloggers. On the other hand, there are those who are brought down by shame and exposés through blogs.

Some bloggers are able to write with so much venom that just reading their posts leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Bloggers can talk about anything and everything in clear contexts. Or hidden undertones.

A blogger can talk about his past and future plans. Or choose not to.

Speaking of which, there are several blogging hazards that a blogger can get.

For example, Kazuyoshi Miura. He is a Japanese blogger. He blogged about going to Saipan. But when he got there, he was arrested. Why? Read the story here, here, here and here.

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