How Much Does a New House Cost?
Dec 31st 2008greenbucksFor Information & Money Watch & Philippines & Photos & travel
We saw a humongous house beside my parents’ house being built. It sits on two properties one of which was a former rice mill.
My mother said it was worth PhP50,000,000! I can’t believe its that expensive!Just last week, a client of my BIL who is an interior designer gave him a nod to look for a beachfront property/place to build a resort with that price.
Much as I wanted to, I was not able to take a decent photo of the house because we were in transit and because the fences were high.
Imagine that, in dollars that would be worth more than $1,000,000!
The hubby and I were discussing what kind of construction materials were used in that house to have it worth that much.
The interiors would be so lavish I guess, with branded materials that mean quality like Kohler sinks or fixtures from other countries. Like what? Italian ceramic tiles or maybe granite and marble from New England?
One thing for sure though, I want to see how it is in the inside once its finished.
As if I can go inside the house
2 Responses to “How Much Does a New House Cost?”
I am not surprise anymore about the cost of residentail properties everywhere. What I am trying to figure out is how people are still able to afford them. Oh well, have a great New Year!
“How people are still able to afford them.”
That’s true! With the current economic crisis, one would think people would be wiser on how they should spend, no matter how deep their pockets are.
Hope your New Year was special. Here’s to a bountiful 2009 filled with joy, peace and love!