Banana Heart Sisig
Sep 16th 2011greenbucksFood and Dining & Food Friday & Money Watch & Philippines & Photos
Banana Heart Sisig = Sisig Puso ng Saging, this was what the server said this dish is called:
This was ordered as accompanying side dish to the star of the meal: Aling Lucing Sisig.
4 Responses to “Banana Heart Sisig”
sisig puso ng saging sounds interesting, and it looks yummy! i have always liked puso ng saging (we usually have it with coconut milk, or as a ‘burger’)…sometimes it takes too much effort to cook, though. but it’s always worth it.
appreciate much your linking over at Food Friday, T. Julie
happy weekend!
its my first to hear that this can be made to sisig
heres my entry
i have heard about this banana blossom sisig…i guess, it’s a much better option to our oily sisig.
sounds so interesting, looks yummy and really healthy! i like puso ng saging na may gata, and i bet i will love this. hope i can try someday! visiting late from last week’s FF, hope to see you around. thanks and have a great weekend.