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Archive for October, 2012

Be Positive

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.” ? Mahatma Gandhi

We do not want to be surrounded by negative people who spew negativity a mile away from where they stand. We don’t want to listen to people telling us we can’t be what we want to be, listing down the things we can do wrong along the way to the fulfillment of our dreams or just them simply being negative about the simple things we should be enjoying.

So, you’ve met such people? You even wondered if they are under cymbalta or something like it to help them perk up a bit? You ever wondered how you became friends with one and for how long you can tolerate such behavior?

Here are a few tips that may make you look up on the brighter side of things:

  • Be positive even if there are people who are out to dim that positivism you exude.
  • Tune them out by thinking happy thoughts, not minding their rants or by simply avoiding being around them
  • If you can’t avoid being around these people, continue with your attitude of positivism and share your happy thoughts. Who knows, maybe a little of your sunshine would rub off on them and make them feel better

Be positive. Be happy, after all you only got one life to live, so why allow unpleasant things and thoughts to consume you?

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Concert Scene

We missed two concerts this week that we would have loved to watch.

The James Morrison concert last Tuesday was one. Well, mostly, that would be me who wanted to watch it. I am sure I’d love listening to this guy live, whether he is just playing his acoustic guitar or if there are super mixers used for his songs.

Here is James Morrison:

Last night’s Wilson Phillips concert was also one concert we shouldn’t have missed. So to pass the night, the hubby and I just listened to their songs in YouTube. Even the kids liked their singing style.

Here is a video of Wilson Phillips “Hold On”

Enjoy their singing!

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Frogs in the Backyard

I don’t have a garden at home though if I am not too lazy to have one, I have a little space for that. Except for that space where we have our calamansi trees and that little pot where my eggplant grows, all we have is grass.

When the rains are here, our backyard frogs are happy. Yes, we do have real croaking frogs in the backyard, as well as a lot of ants, lol. We don’t get these frogs and throw them away even if I sometimes freak out when they jump near me. I am thinking of getting frog statues so I can get use to them around.

Do you know that frogs are  frogs are good indicators of “trouble in paradise”, meaning ecological imbalance in the ecosystem? Read about some of it here.


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Tiny Grasshopper

grasshopper on yellow flower

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