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Archive for the 'Blogging101' Category

Been Busy

Yes, I am guilty of not updating this blog and my other blogs as well, except to put up  Wordless Wednesday and Food Friday posts. I am not even able to blog hop those who came to visit my posts.

Been busy is all. Homeschooling two early grades is not like taking a walk in the park.

There are good days and not-so-good days.

I hope to be able to give more time to blogging than virtual farming too 😀

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Have Anything Interesting to Tweet or Blog About?

Jonah Berger, who has been studying trends for several years, cautions people to do research first before doing anything, tweeting or blogging (or Plurking) about something that is interesting.

The topic may be that latest crazy video that has been getting a lot of attention, or the newest trend in diet supplement or maybe that used-to-be-ignored lowly vegetable that has so much health potential.

Whatever is it, Jonah Berger says that it is better to analyze the trend how this topic has penetrated the web or even the real world.

Why so?

You would not want to look like the only person who hasn’t seen nor heard of this interesting thing you found when a lot, say, more than half a million people have already seen or head of this interesting topic.

Yes, this topic is very much interesting and I hope I am not the millionth person to write about it. 😀

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Be Indexed

Having your business website index is a good way to have the site easily searched in search engines. One needs to do a free directory submission to be able to be indexed.

Why is it important to be indexed?

People Googling key words and/or phrases are looking for sites that will give them answers to their queries. Your goal should be that our business site to land on the first page, because that is what usually people (like me) read thoroughly.

Submitting your site to a website index is just one of the steps you need to do. There are still a whole gamut of things to do that may be learned along the way.

In the meantime, be indexed first 🙂

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What Do Mommy Bloggers Talk About?

I have mommy blogger friends whom I first met virtually.

Today at a mommy blogger event for the launching of a new food product from a well-known bakeshop, we were asked what we usually talk about or write about.

We answer that we talk about anything under the sun like food, our children, parenting, diet and fitness programs and even weight loss pills to books and fashion and even showbiz news 😀

We exchange tips on easier home management as well as managing the garden.

There are so many things to talk about and learn from one another and I am really glad I hve met these wonderful women.

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What is a Spam?

Spam. People associate this word with the canned good named Spam. But there is another meaning for spam and that would be:

Electronic messaging system abuse through sending unsolicited messages, usually in bulk form (more like send to all) regardless if the recipients want to get these messages or not. In other words, these are sent indiscriminately.

E-mail spam is the one that is sent regularly which is mostly about products or services being offered. There are however different forms of spam and these will show as instant messaging spam or SPIM which targets instant messaging services, online classified ads, wiki spam and internet forum spam.

Blogs have spams too, in the form of comments which is also called spamdexing. There are also those that are called splogs.

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Thanks, Jenn

I have been amiss with doing the memes and awards I have received. To those who cling to power through corruption, ooops, wrong words! To those who have linked this site (or my other sites) just give me a holler if I haven’t done the meme you linked me with 🙂

Anyway, very very late as it is, I would like to thank Jenn for this Christmas award that she has sent my way 😀

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