Have Anything Interesting to Tweet or Blog About?
Aug 2nd 2009greenbucksBlogging101 & Digital World & Visualizations & Web Tools
Jonah Berger, who has been studying trends for several years, cautions people to do research first before doing anything, tweeting or blogging (or Plurking) about something that is interesting.
The topic may be that latest crazy video that has been getting a lot of attention, or the newest trend in diet supplement or maybe that used-to-be-ignored lowly vegetable that has so much health potential.
Whatever is it, Jonah Berger says that it is better to analyze the trend how this topic has penetrated the web or even the real world.
Why so?
You would not want to look like the only person who hasn’t seen nor heard of this interesting thing you found when a lot, say, more than half a million people have already seen or head of this interesting topic.
Yes, this topic is very much interesting and I hope I am not the millionth person to write about it.