HTML Tutorial for Kids. Or Not Kids.
May 15th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & File and data management & Visualizations & Web Tools
There is a site for HTML tutorial for kids. Yes, its that modern already.
But take note, this site is also helpful for those who are not familiar with these technology terminologies that seem to talk in codes and well, still more codes.
You think being a blogger makes one adept with the technological terms that abound the www?
So what is .htaccess files or installing perl scripts or MySql database all about? Great, I am scratching my head here and would not be able to understand these, much to the chagrin of my hubby who can talk about these for hours but I would still end up staring blankly ahead
Ok, here is the site: Lissa Explains
Do check it out. I know I will
2 Responses to “HTML Tutorial for Kids. Or Not Kids.”
uy, i need this! i may be self-hosting my 2 sites (my personal blog is still free hosted on wordpress) pero wala talaga akong alam sa htaccess blah blah na ganyan. i’m still a work in progress pero it’s really exciting. hee hee!
You have a host na, Weng? Pa host ka sa amin
I don’t know these things too, some of the words/terms being used sound alien to me, hehe.
I hope you would be able to find your transition easy. Kayang-kaya mo yan.