Jun 27th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Food Friday & Memetag & Philippines & Photos
Jun 27th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Food Friday & Memetag & Philippines & Photos
Jun 27th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Digital World & Web Tools
I read about this term one time, BLOG ADDICT.
Yeah, feels like term coined by those who do nothing but blog all day. No harm done if blogging is something that makes one productive.
What I mean by being productive means there is some kind of a monetary compensation that can be had with blogging.
OR by being productive means one can learn a lot of things either by blogging (writing skills and thought processes, yeah right) or by reading others’ blogs (current events or simply taking a peek gossiping reading about the day-to-day happenings in other bloggers’ lives).
No, not that only monetary benefits can make one a happy blogger.
The blogger is happy, I know but of course, one has to consider the expenses when blogging.
Blogging = expenses and by expenses mean electricity bill, ISP bill, as well as time and effort. Yes, these time and effort can also be convertible to monetary equivalence too.
I know because in my line of work, we get paid by number of hours we worked.
I have written two posts about the Hazards of Blogging here when a man who blogs wrote that he was going to a US territory and maybe he forgot that he has a case in the mainland US. What happened next? Click here.
So how should one know that blog addiction is now running in one’s veins? That everything else seem to take a back seat because blogging takes precedence over all things? One more sign is that the “normal” daily routine of work, including house chores, professional work and other responsibilities are sometimes neglected not given much thought about yes, takes a back seat in lieu of blogging. Why does this sound like a funeral instruction.
Click here for anther entry I have written where you can read and check or maybe add some more symptoms about being a blog addict.
Now don’t go asking me why I came up with the things I have listed. I won’t tell you my sources, and if you are good, your guess is as good as mine.
Now here are other other sites where one can read about being BAD. Yes, BAD.
Blog Addiction Disorder. Some more 10 signs about blog addiction ( I don’t have some of those listed here).
Have fun. Blogging, that is
Jun 22nd 2008greenbucksAward & Blogging101 & Digital World
i still haven’t posted this post that has been sitting in my drafts for a few weeks now. Apologies to Thess, I really, really do appreciate this wonderful award you gave to me
Julie – ah, her passion and love for her country the Philippines…I always look forward to her Litratong Pinoy entry especially when she injects it with her thought provoking questions.
Jun 20th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Food Friday & Memetag & Philippines & Photos
Julian’s ala carte KFC Original Recipe Ultimate Sandwich. His front tooth was moving and he thought biting into this sandwich will cause the tooth to come out. One tooth came loose when he had a McDonald’s double cheeseburger sandwich. With this one? the tooth didn’t come out
Jun 19th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Business & File and data management & Making Money Online & Web Tools
Mark Cuban not only owns the Dallas Maverick but serves as chairman of the TV Channel HD.Net. He blogs too.
The finer points discussed in the NY Times article about blogging are the following:
There’s this part in the article that fits exactly what I think sometimes:
In the end, the biggest threat isn’t that you’ll fail to learn to blog. It’s that if you blog regularly for long enough, and begin to get comments and links from other bloggers, you’ll have trouble doing your day job.