Losing Some, Gaining More
Nov 6th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & For Information & Thoughts
Last week and this week had been two very relaxing weeks for me. I didn’t have to go to work so there was really no hurry. I did get to wake up early, before the sun was up for my eldest daughter who is being fetched around 5:30am by the school service.
After she has been fetched, I go online. During that time I prepare breakfast.
After breakfast and the younger children had eaten and bathed, I go back to my online world while lunch is starting to be cooked. The kids play or watch DVD or read storybooks or play with their Play-Doh.
After lunch, I nap. Sometimes for an hour. Sometimes more than that.
This routine had gotten me in trouble.
I gained weight.
I had it coming though, so there is no one to blame but me. I could not point at Food Friday which inspires me to prepare (and buy) and take photos of yummy food.
Before the almost two-week vacation stint, I was beaming with pride when a mother of a student told me: “Uy, pumapayat ka!” (hey, you have slimmed down).
This is a wake-up call.
Should I consider diet supplements then?
Maybe I should start to really get into some sort of a routine of NOT sitting in front of the computer to go online early in the morning and instead, go outside, savor the fresh morning air and check the plants if these have been trampled by big paws the night before.
Whatever I have to do, I really think I should start now. So there, kthxbai!
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One Response to “Losing Some, Gaining More”
[…] Not only children do these, adults as well enjoy doing these things. Who doesn’t like to watch his favorite sports on TV while munching on crunchy and salty chips, drinking sweet soda? Napping after lunch? […]