Cool Mist
Mar 31st 2009greenbucksEnvironment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Mar 31st 2009greenbucksEnvironment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Mar 29th 2009greenbucksCurrent Events & Environment & Thoughts
Yes, we joined the millions of households and commercial establishments,communities, and cities who observed March 28, 2009 8:30-9:30 pm Earth Hour.
Here is my post of our 2009 Earth Hour experience
I must say this should be done more frequently because of the many benefits I saw it brought and one of which was my kids went to bed early
Mar 29th 2009greenbucksThoughts
The other day, I took a photo of my eye and I was surprised to see the difference than when I took a photo of the same eye last year.
I guess not wearing my prescription glasses (I am near-sighted) has affected the area so there are some wrinkles I now see that weren’t there last year.
I wrote and asked about facial regimen and I know I also need to focus on my eyes.
I think I need to look for a good anti wrinkle eye cream soon for I know I am going to need one
Any recommendations?
Mar 29th 2009greenbucksAround the Metro & Food and Dining & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos & Urban Living
I was not able to make a post for Food Friday because we were very busy with school activities.
Anyway, we went to the Krispy Kreme Chocolate Karnival party yesterday at Bonifacio High Street. Will be linking my post here once I am able to write it.
Here is my still warm and gooey delectable Krispy Kreme Chocolate Glazed Doughnut:
I’m not complaining that its gooey, I love it!
Mar 28th 2009greenbucksCurrent Events & Thoughts
So, someone asked, whatever happened to my application for a teaching position in the land of milk and honey?
Well, it is on hold for several reasons.
But I have to say the excitement in waiting is waning.
Hah, and to think I was already looking at Wilmington NC real estate for ideas on where to stay. Talk about counting the chicks before the eggs are hatched
Well, I love my work, traffic jam and all.