Crossed Trunks
May 26th 2009greenbucksAround the Metro & Environment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
May 26th 2009greenbucksAround the Metro & Environment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
May 25th 2009greenbucksFood and Dining & Thoughts
Just looking at my food photos in this blog makes me feel I am gaining pounds, lol!
Honestly, I did gain some when the children went to have a five-week vacation and I now I am seriously thinking about weight loss products.
Husband and I had a lot of greasy and fattening dinners when we were alone because I was too lazy to do home-cooking for two.
Lesson learned: be more kitchen savvy
May 22nd 2009greenbucksFood and Dining & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos
I love mussels. Baked, in a seafood pasta and cooked with clear broth, I would definitely like to have these.
I still remember how these mussels were cooked: onions, ginger, garlic, salt and pepper. Sprite was added then instead of water.
Now, I would not want to serve that because its not healthy. I use lemongrass for the broth.
May 19th 2009greenbucksEnvironment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
May 15th 2009greenbucksFood Friday & Philippines & Photos
We got this (disposable) cup of “shabu-shabu” from a mall.
Well, its not the usual shabu-shabu where real meat and vegetables are used. They used noodles, hot flavored water and err… I don’t know, “fake food” which is made with I don’t know what.
Lesson learned: settle for the real thing.
May 8th 2009greenbucksFood and Dining & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos
Cheesecakes are one of the absolutely favorite desserts of people who love good food.
What cheesecake do you like? I like blueberry cheesecake. And oh, the hand-carried cheesecake from the US that I tasted twice but unfortunately I don’t know where exactly it came from