White Flower
Jun 3rd 2009greenbucksEnvironment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Jun 3rd 2009greenbucksEnvironment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Jun 2nd 2009greenbucksBusiness & For Information & Visualizations
One of the more lucrative jobs, in terms of commissions, would be in sales. Notwithstanding the hurdles one would go through starting this career, the benefits I see are good.
Of course, it is not just about having a glib tongue which will make one successful in this choice of career. Hard work, determination and drive are some of the key strong points to master which can also be said true to other career choices.
Attending sales training is also one way to improve one’s capabilities.
In everything else, tact and respectfulness are two ways to start the ball rolling with potential clients.
Me? I may not have the “it” to become a salesperson but I definitely know a good buy when I see one
Jun 2nd 2009greenbucksAround the Metro & Environment & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Jun 2nd 2009greenbucksFood and Dining & Thoughts
On some of the posts that we see on the road, there are signs that advertise about losing weight. Fast.
I may want to do that but I think looking for the best appetite suppressant PLUS a good fitness regimen PLUS a steel resolve to not succumb to temptation. Temptation meaning sweets, carb-loaded food, deep fried greasy food, and salty chips.
Ok, I will start that diet.
After I have that bowl of potato chips dipped in sour cream