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Archive for June, 2012

Artwork Made with Black Pen

I haven’t been blogging a lot lately but it doesn’t mean my being involved in things online has ceased. In fact I am even more active than before! Nah, not Facebook but in Instagram.

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artwork in black ink

^ was done by my eldest daughter. using black ink pen.

I enjoy looking at wonderful photos of lol, trees, lakes, hiking places, camping places, pets and cute things among others. Nah, I don’t look at vain photos especially from famous celebrities because I’d rather enjoy foggy, sunny, hilly, tree-lined places.

I am pretty sure I would enjoy photos related to Christmas like that of department 56 snowbabies. Speaking of which, I’ve a friend who collects snow globes. Maybe she should take more photos of her collection.

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Belated Father’s Day Post

Father’s Day came and went but we weren’t able to celebrate because the husband has to be away for family matters. I was left behind to attend to the kids since this week was the first week of school.


It doesn’t really matter if we celebrated or not, we try to show how we love each other day in and day out. There’s no doubt that the children adore their father and that he in turn, loves them so much.

Live each day as if it’s your last. It may be a bit harsh but we can’t turn back the clock and feel we have not done enough to show we love our family.

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Hard Disk Drive Recovery Center

What to do when a hard drive crashes and everything you hold dear, digitally I mean, are there?

That happened to a family friend whose hard drive got invaded by ants (don’t ask me, I don’t know the how and the why) and all her files are there. As in everything, from 3D pregnancy photos, to parties she decorated to family photos. Argh, isn’t it?

When External Hard Drives go bonkers, one should not do anything about the HD especially if this one or two persons are not certified at all to open, inspect and play know-it-all. Seriously, bring that hard drive to a hard disk drive recovery center and let experts work on it.

Think of it as a hospital for your hard drive and wish fervently that everything or a big part of your data will be retrieved.

Next time though, store your files in the cloud 🙂

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