Stacking Cups
Oct 12th 2010greenbucksHome & Me & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Oct 12th 2010greenbucksHome
I don’t know the reason why but it seems my children has some sort of “aversion” to office work. I asked my eldest daughter if she wants to work in an office after college and she replied “What will I do there the whole day?” LOL.
There is probably no shortage for entry level management jobs but it seems that young people these days prefer to go out and conquer the world. I see nothing wrong because looking back, I don’t have it in me to be as risky as they are now and would not have taken these career moves.
Having my family with me gives me nothing to think that I missed something “big” out there.
Oct 10th 2010greenbucksHome & Motoring
My son was looking forward to watching the qualifying rounds at the 2010 Formula One Suzuka Race Track yesterday. He was at first disappointed because we were out of the house during the time this was supposed to happen (but my gosh, we were at the house of hubby’s family where there is catv and he can watch there!)
He only heaved a sigh of relief upon the announcement that this was postponed due to heavy rains and he can watch it today, here in the comfort of our home. Yey! No, we don’t have catv
So now I have to go offline so he can maximize the bandwidth
Oct 8th 2010greenbucksAround the Metro & Food and Dining & Food Friday & Health Matters & Home & Philippines & Photos
Some mommy blogger friends and I together with the Dona Elena Cuisinera Club members attended the Dona Elena Cuisinera Spook-tacular Halloween Party Treats the other weekend.
In the photo, shrimp fritters (okoy) in the background (recipe still to be published though), squash, tomato and basil soup, and pumpkin and sausage pasta. Continue Reading »
Sep 6th 2010greenbucksAround the Metro & Digital World & Home & Philippines & Photos
Today’s sunset seems to be very special. First, I commented that somewhere out there people have wonderful sunset sky scenes.
Little did I know that my son who stayed at home with me today took the camera and went out to take photos. I only knew about it when he came back to the house carrying the tripod on his way out again
Here is our sunset photo a few hours ago. Here are other sunset photos in this blog.
Several people took sunset photos and shared these in a site where my friends and I congregate to chat so I’m sure not only people on a Royal Caribbean trip are able to see these play of colors at the end of the day.
It feels great to know people still appreciate these things and stop to make the scene frozen in pixels.