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Losing Some, Gaining More

Last week and this week had been two very relaxing weeks for me. I didn’t have to go to work so there was really no hurry. I did get to wake up early, before the sun was up for my eldest daughter who is being fetched around 5:30am by the school service.

After she has been fetched, I go online. During that time I prepare breakfast.

After breakfast and the younger children had eaten and bathed, I go back to my online world while lunch is starting to be cooked. The kids play or watch DVD or read storybooks or play with their Play-Doh.

After lunch, I nap. Sometimes for an hour. Sometimes more than that.

This routine had gotten me in trouble.

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Consumerism Among Kids

This generation of young children is probably one of the most profitable generations when it comes to consumerism. The children being the target of invasive advertising where truth is distorted and where there is no clear line dividing what is real and not real is happening right before our eyes.

Children younger than eight easily believe what the ads are telling them. I know because I have two children in that age bracket. They think that just because a product is seen on television endorsed by good-looking children mean that they have to get those products on our next trip to the supermarket.

I do not subscribe to their wishes easily. Not because the children in a TV ad are eating vegetables as a result of the use of artificial flavoring mean I must have that too. Not because beautiful children with beautiful smiles use a certain brand of toothpaste mean I have to get that for them too. We gotta be more practical than believing in TV ads that aims to make a profit.

How can my children have a higher IQ by just drinking a certain brand of milk if I do not teach them how to use their thinking skills?

For me, good products do not need blatant advertising.

These products being advertised do not just center on food items which are most often than not bereft of nutritional value, but extends to clothes, toys, must-have electronic gadgets, events, and other consumables.

Excessive materialism and believing in products because of advertising are just a few things we can teach children regarding consumerism. Not everything should be carried from the supermarket aisle all the way to the ringing retail pos systems or in other words, cash register.

So what should parents do?

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Greener Pastures

Almost anywhere in the world, there are Filipino Overseas Workers or OFW. They are easily hired because they are not just one of the better workers and English speakers, they are also well-educated.

Filipinos can be found working in the hospitality business, engineering firms, healthcare systems, educational institutions, domestic and household work, and even online businesses. Wherever they work, expect the Filipino worker to excel.

I for one, have been able to experience applying for a teaching position overseas. Last year, my hopes got up when I was informed of an opening for my qualifications. I got excited that I immediately went online to look for places where I (and my family eventually) might be able to stay. Would it be near a lake perhaps? Or near the woods? What about the Outer Banks? These were just some of the so many possibilities to choose from. I can dream, can I?

Sadly, I haven’t been called yet because of the ongoing economic difficulties being experienced in this county of my choice.

I haven’t lost hope. Yet.

I hope I can still be able to experience greener pastures while I still can.


First Name Tag

Feng tagged me to do the First Name Tag.

The tag says: spell your first name and match its initials in the given set of Alphabet with its assigned meanings.

A: Best Gf/Bf any one could have
B: You love a certain someone
C: People cant help but check u out
D: You are really lovable
E: You Are Great
F: Easy to fall in love with
G: You never let people tell you what to do
H: You have a very good personality and good looks
I: People love you
J: People Adore you
K: You’re wild and crazy
M: Handsome/Beautiful
N: Easy to fall in love with
O: Best kisser ever
P: You are popular with all types of people
Q: You are a hypocrite
R: You love to kiss
S: You are freakin crazy
T: You are loyal to the ones you love
U: You really like to chill
V: you’re not judgmental
W: You are popular
X: You never let people tell you
Y: Sexiest bitch alive
Z: Never good enough…

Here goes my first name letter and their equivalent meanings:

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Starting a New Life

There are a lot of people who made the mistake of getting a substance abuse habit. They thought that maybe they would be able to fight it but they got hooked.

What happens when people can not get out of this substance abuse habit?

They become different persons. They do not function like they use to be, when they were free from these habits.

So what are the best ways to help them? Through drug rehab, through drug treatment, through counseling and by showing them that they are still loved.

Going back to the old routines and getting out of the habit and starting a new life is not easy. But with the help of their loved ones, they can start anew.

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Bloggers as Citizen Journalists

I am a blogger. Blogging is my way of expressing in writing different topics that I find interesting.

I write about topics that interest me.

I write about my thoughts and my opinions.

I write about the things happening to me and my immediate environment.

I write about events I have been to. Be these blog-related events or not.

I write about products I use. I write about products and services that make me earn something when these are approved, whether I believe in these or not.

I also write, when I have the chance, about current events, whether or not I was in the actual event or not.

So, am I a citizen journalist then?

Maybe I am. Or I would like to think that I am. A citizen journalist.

Citizen journalists are supposed to be responsible. Am I responsible? I supposed I am. I think I am.

This responsibility does not just confine itself to myself for if I am not responsible enough then I am creating the road to self-destruction. And of course, I would not want that.

This responsibility goes beyond the need to write about my thoughts and opinions and the products and services that give me monetary compensation, however meager these are.

I have written/commented to other bloggers that the way they write, whether these reflect their true feelings or not, is their own choice. It is their blog anyway and if ever I find what they have written as offensive, I may choose to read these or not. Its their “home” and they may do whatever they want, write in any way they want to and it will be up to the readers if they would still want to visit those blogs. They may choose to write cuss words and send to eternal damnation people they don’t care about. Its up to them.

But writing about controversial topics that cause stir, panic, confusion and doubts about its reliability is another story. This should be given some reins but who would do it? Its the writer himself.

Click here why bloggers have to be should be must be responsible.


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