Escargots, Anyone?
Aug 8th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos
I love eating these creepy (for me) crawling creatures. I just don’t want to see these live though.
Aug 8th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos
I love eating these creepy (for me) crawling creatures. I just don’t want to see these live though.
Aug 1st 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos
Japanese sweet corn! Ahh..pure joy! This batch was bought under the bridge before entering Star Tollway in Batangas.
Just dont forget to brush your teeth after binging on this cob
Jul 25th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Food Friday & Philippines & Photos
There is a waiting hand ready to grab some pieces but of course, this hand had to wait first.
Click here to see what became of the fresh blueberries.
Jun 11th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Jun 6th 2008greenbucksBlogging101 & Food Friday & Photos
Jan 2nd 2008greenbucksFood and Dining & Food Friday & Money Watch & Philippines & Photos & Thoughts
My goal for frugal Christmas came true as I was able to do the plans I wanted to, including baking goodies to give to relatives and friends.
Here are some of the home-baked brownies that I baked before Christmas. We even had some baked to give to children out in the streets asking for something for Christmas.
There. I baked several batches.My kids of course love it. The batch I sent for me parents were gone in a flash according to my brother who managed to snag just one bar. To think it was just him and my parents living under one roof.
The nephews of my hubby who tasted it said “Parang brownies sa KFC”
I don’t know if that a compliment. Is it?