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Web Hosting Info

Web hosting.

What is web hosting? How does one have an online account, a blog, a corporate website? How much does not need to put up for these services? What are the best web hosting services being offered in the market today? Is the web hosting provider secure? What about data recovery? What about the other technical aspects of web hosting?

These are just some of the questions that would-be bloggers and corporate/business owners would want to know details about when they get interested in setting up online sites. Blogging and putting up corporate sites is not just about writing and putting up photos. One should learn at least basic technical aspects of putting up such sites.

If one wants to have his own domain and be hosted by web hosting services, then one should be able to understand the basic ins and outs of this endeavor.

One of the best ways to learn about web hosting is to read articles and web hosting tutorials. Sure, it is good to listen to the advices of friends who know about these things but reading makes one understanding these things better. Web hosting rating should be scrutinized too, to know the leaders in the market.

Also, one of the concerns would be the cost of the web hosting package. For would-be bloggers, they can opt to start with a starter package. They can probably get a different package once posts have been made and traffic to the site has been increasingly going up.

For corporate sites, they can opt to get the packages for exactly what they need to accommodate everything they may want to put up in their site.

If its any consolation and also for added credibility, better check web hosting awards to also know which companies have been given due recognition in the field of web hosting services.

Check out this web hosting site to view the packages being offered.

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No, I didn’t misspell this word for fishing. Phishing in the online community means fraud or something criminally fraudulent or ok then, something fishy.

Phishing is an attempt to get sensitive information from people who go online and need to use user names or logins and of course, passwords. In a worse case scenario, these sites would ask for credit card details.

Most often, phishing will be in the form emails or instant messaging about a PayPal account, eBay product that has been ordered but not been paid for, online banks and even social networking sites.

This directs the recipients of the email to go to certain sites and enter the details that they ask for.

Take for example this site where a friend has invited me to join. I decided to join because I got invites from several friends but have not responded positively. Just a while ago, I went to the site to see what this all about.

Of course I did not push through with the registration. The reason? It was asking for my yahoo mail password.

My what? Yes, my yahoo mail password.

Something fishy really, if you ask me.


Google Reader

What is a Google Reader?

This is the definition of a Google Reader, according to, well, Google:

Get all your blogs and news feeds fast

Once you have registered to get a Google Reader account, you can subscribe to your favorite blogs as well as to your favorite news sites for the latest news. It is a Web-based aggregator that can read Atom and RSS feeds online and offline.

No need to go to your favorite links and news sites one by one to check what’s new. Easy peasy.

  1. It is has a user-friendly interface. First, the subscriber gets to see what’s new to the subscribed sites.
  2. These can be organized according to your preference, either by date or relevance or whiever way the subscriber prefers.
  3. Subscriber can also share items with other web users.
  4. Offline access. Yes. Subscriber uses a browser extension so that online applications can work offline, and up to 2000 items can be downloaded to be read offline.
  5. There is also mobile access.
  6. The Google Reader subscriptions can be integrated with the Google Personalized Page (just like your Yahoo Personalized page where you get to choose the latest news)
  7. For those who use Mozilla Firefox 2.0, Google reader is included there and can redirect users to the Add Subscription screen to be able to add the feed.

There, the different benefits one can have when subscribed to Google Reader.

Oh, and it also has a version specially formatted to the Wii, if you have one.

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