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Google Reader

What is a Google Reader?

This is the definition of a Google Reader, according to, well, Google:

Get all your blogs and news feeds fast

Once you have registered to get a Google Reader account, you can subscribe to your favorite blogs as well as to your favorite news sites for the latest news. It is a Web-based aggregator that can read Atom and RSS feeds online and offline.

No need to go to your favorite links and news sites one by one to check what’s new. Easy peasy.

  1. It is has a user-friendly interface. First, the subscriber gets to see what’s new to the subscribed sites.
  2. These can be organized according to your preference, either by date or relevance or whiever way the subscriber prefers.
  3. Subscriber can also share items with other web users.
  4. Offline access. Yes. Subscriber uses a browser extension so that online applications can work offline, and up to 2000 items can be downloaded to be read offline.
  5. There is also mobile access.
  6. The Google Reader subscriptions can be integrated with the Google Personalized Page (just like your Yahoo Personalized page where you get to choose the latest news)
  7. For those who use Mozilla Firefox 2.0, Google reader is included there and can redirect users to the Add Subscription screen to be able to add the feed.

There, the different benefits one can have when subscribed to Google Reader.

Oh, and it also has a version specially formatted to the Wii, if you have one.

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