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Archive for the 'mobile technology' tag

On Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are not what they used to be. If a decade ago, we only need these mobile phones to send sms and make calls (and yeah, play Snake mobile game) these days, mobile phones like the motorola mc55 show how much technology has changed and shrunk in terms of size.

This used to be high-tech back in the day. It is definitely obsolete these days but hey, I still use the phone and still even play mobile golf, lol.

I think mobile phones did something to the brain’s capability to memorize because people nowadays have a hard time recalling phone numbers or birthdays not listed in their mobile phones whereas before, it was easier to memorize phone numbers. Or in my case, I used to be good with this, until the 11-digit numbers came to be.

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1.7M iPhone 4s Sales

Are you one of those 1.7M people who got iPhone 4s?

I sure hope you also got iphone insurance because you would never know if you iPhone is safe from those who have other thoughts when they see you using it.

Here in our country, mobile phones can disappear from your hands faster than you can say 1-2-3. No kidding.  Stores even sell these. So if you are going to buy “second hand” mobile phones without a box, manual, CD and other stuff, it is most likely what is called a GSM or “galing sa magnanakaw” which also means stolen cellphone.

Anyway, I myself want to have a unit. My online-generated stash says I can afford one but not when I buy these here since the price will get tripled. You know, taxes and everything. By the time this iPhone 4 gets here by September, I need to pay the tuition and it gives me excuse to NOT indulge.

But still, I want one!!! 😀

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Virus Alert on my Mobile Phone

I dread the hear the sound “tu-nut” whenever I am online because that means a worm/virus/what-have-you has been detected and it is trying its best to enter my computer. Hmhp! to that but at least I know my computer is protected during that period.

What I am worried about are the times that these virus go undetected. I have been meaning to transfer photos and videos from my mobile phone to my laptop when I always get this message: VIRUS ALERT! It is so frustrating that I have not been able transfer these files.

virus alert

I am currently looking for antivirus software that will not cause my pc to slow down  when I activate the program to see if this has done damage on my laptop. A cutting proactive program would be preferable too.

I use this phone for mobile browsing when I’m out of the house and for connectivity when the main internet connection in the house conks out.

There are so many ways virus can penetrate one’s pc and this includes suspicious emails that smell of phishing which can make one a victim of identity theft.

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Philippine Political Scene

The Philippine political scene is so colorful and interesting these days. So many wannabe presidents (and VPs too) for an election that is bound to happen (i am praying that it will).

With the country facing a lot of recovery and rehabilitation process now and in the years to come, it is a wonder anybody in his or her right mind would want to run the country.

Even before the candidates are to proclaim their candidacies, we have been bombarded with what-nots: streamers, Facebook and Twitter accounts, real and imagined, have exposure offering services which includes a cheap hour of free internet time to appearing in costly prime time airtime exposures.

I would not be surprised these candidates would offer holiday gifts, or maybe a trip to heaven and back, to win votes next year.

I am exaggerating of course. Am I?

Maybe I am exaggerating. You know, I can’t imagine how they, in their very busy schedule, find time to tweet, update their Facebook status and errr, answer tweets posted by others.

Ok, aides can do that for them, I know.

But still…I will just say, I’m shrugging my shoulders and rolling my eyes at the same time, LOL.

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Nokia X6

I am on the lookout for new cell phones, not that I can afford to buy one right now. I chanced upon the new Nokia X series and I must say the Nokia X6 captured my attention.

The unit may look boxy to others but for me this unit is definitely something I would set my sight at. Full specs can be read here.

Now if only this is affordable, 😀

Photo taken here.

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Mind Your Mobile Phone Manners

It is not surprising that a lot of people feel “bare” or “helpless” when they leave their homes without their mobile phones. Sometimes I feel that way too especially when I have appointments and would not have the means to know if they canceled or not.

In the instances I have left my mobile phones at home (I’ve got two for two telco services) I was of course thinking about calls and messages for me. I did not miss the games I can enjoy playing or the music I can listen to.

Come to think of  it, the church announces “All cell phone units to be turned off”. Cinemas too ask this from people. Does it mean that people are too much engrossed using their mobile phones that they are being told indirectly that it is rude to hear these gadgets make a noise.

But then, how come we see people rushing out of the church to answer a phone call? How come we hear the familiar beep-beep of an incoming message or a funky upbeat tune of an incoming call while the church service is going on?

What about that annoying person whose mobile phone rings in the middle of a romantic scene at the cinema? You can just grit your teeth and not say “@^%*%&%&$%@!” for this would be stooping down to their level. Whatever that means.

In a meeting? How come a participant is fiddling with his mobile phone? Maybe meetings should be a “No mobile phones allowed inside” zone. This way, participants have no way to conduct a “sub-meeting” in order to oust the chairman of the board secretly or tweet about his tie with an outrageous design 😀

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