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Archive for the 'Money Watch' tag

How Much Does a New House Cost?

We saw a humongous house beside my parents’ house being built. It sits on two properties one of which was a former rice mill.

My mother said it was worth PhP50,000,000! I can’t believe its that expensive!Just last week, a client of my BIL who is an interior designer gave him a nod to look for a beachfront property/place to build a resort with that price.

Much as I wanted to, I was not able to take a decent photo of the house because we were in transit and because the fences were high.

Imagine that, in dollars that would be worth more than $1,000,000!

The hubby and I were discussing what kind of construction materials were used in that house to have it worth that much.

The interiors would be so lavish I guess, with branded materials that mean quality like Kohler sinks or fixtures from other countries. Like what? Italian ceramic tiles or maybe granite and marble from New England?

One thing for sure though, I want to see how it is in the inside once its finished.

As if I can go inside the house 😀



What kinds of gifts did you give to your loved ones?

What kinds of gifts did you receive from them?

Gift-giving is a Christmas tradition that will always be there, no matter how people are, in terms of their economic standing because there are a lot of those who have lost their source of income and who are grappling to see the end of these challenges.

One of the most sought-after gifts for the last few years are tech gadgets and gizmos.

There are also those who go the old-fashion way of giving baked goodies like what we did to some of our relatives.

There are those who feel obligated to give expensive gifts especially to their children because these children seem to charm their way into having  their parents part with their hard-earned money.

There are those who got the surprise of their lives as they got engagement rings and would start planning the big day after the holidays.

What about those who got new cars or even new homes? Wow, definitely wow.

But have we thought about those who don’t get any gifts given out of love? They did have some but these were given out of pity. How did they celebrate their Christmas?

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Consumerism Among Kids

This generation of young children is probably one of the most profitable generations when it comes to consumerism. The children being the target of invasive advertising where truth is distorted and where there is no clear line dividing what is real and not real is happening right before our eyes.

Children younger than eight easily believe what the ads are telling them. I know because I have two children in that age bracket. They think that just because a product is seen on television endorsed by good-looking children mean that they have to get those products on our next trip to the supermarket.

I do not subscribe to their wishes easily. Not because the children in a TV ad are eating vegetables as a result of the use of artificial flavoring mean I must have that too. Not because beautiful children with beautiful smiles use a certain brand of toothpaste mean I have to get that for them too. We gotta be more practical than believing in TV ads that aims to make a profit.

How can my children have a higher IQ by just drinking a certain brand of milk if I do not teach them how to use their thinking skills?

For me, good products do not need blatant advertising.

These products being advertised do not just center on food items which are most often than not bereft of nutritional value, but extends to clothes, toys, must-have electronic gadgets, events, and other consumables.

Excessive materialism and believing in products because of advertising are just a few things we can teach children regarding consumerism. Not everything should be carried from the supermarket aisle all the way to the ringing retail pos systems or in other words, cash register.

So what should parents do?

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