Corvette Insignia
Nov 5th 2008greenbucksAround the Metro & Blogging101 & Motoring & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Nov 5th 2008greenbucksAround the Metro & Blogging101 & Motoring & Philippines & Photos & Wordless Wednesday
Oct 23rd 2008greenbucksMotoring & Philippines & Photos & travel
Who wants Yellow Cab Pizza delivered in a Ducati? Now that would be fun, wouldn’t it?
That is a rider (not sure if this is Glenn Aguilar) on a Ducati during a motorcycle race that we watched a few months ago at the Batangas Racing Circuit.
I did see a huge poster of this bike along EDSA, a major thoroughfare here in Metro Manila, a few weeks ago. But because my eyesight has some problems, I was not abe to read what it was all about,
Oct 7th 2008greenbucksAround the Metro & For Information & Motoring & Philippines & Photos & travel
Several weeks ago, I wrote a post about cars here, emphasizing on the color silver. Our family is fond of going to car shows. The children collect cars and they do not settle for those out of this world designs but get the real car designs. My son can name the different makes of his favorite cars and even calls these by their engine names.
City living (particularly here in Metro Manila) + having a car = getting an auto insurance. Why?
The roads are bumpy, and even the main thoroughfare called EDSA is one bumpy, rough road. One never knows what is on the road ahead and there have been so many accidents involving those little islands they have erected along this major road which should not have been the case.
Streets inside residential places have humps (placed by the homeowner in front of his home) every few meters or so. I kid you not. Poor vehicles have their suspension groaning. If it keeps the kids playing on the streets from getting hit, I understand.
The traffic is so bad, even with six lane roads, it IS very bad and slow moving. And when traffic is bad and vehicles are bumper to bumper during rush hour, just pray that your car…
Aug 11th 2008greenbucksEnvironment & Motoring & Philippines & Photos & World Watch
Sinag is the Philippines’ solar-powered car which participated in the World Solar Challenge in Australia last year.
Sinag means sun’s rays.